My whole first semester pretty much I got to study print media and a lot was discussed about how media portrays women. Advertisers say that they aren't affecting body images just selling products, but who says products need to be sold by women in no clothes with their bones popping out of their skin. It is hard to find advertisements with healthy women even athletic ads have people who don't look like they have ever touched a piece of bread. As girls are surrounded by these images of what is "beautiful" they have nothing else to believe. What I found so true that I had never thought about is if you ask people who their role model is chances are they aren't going to be a super model, they will be a healthy person. It is important that girls to work harder on making sure their insides are beautiful and not worrying about the outside. However, the way media has brainwashed us it is too hard to think about giving up how we care about our looks. I know I have fallen under this trap that if I were just a little more pretty or a little more that, everything would work out. The truth is that society has become so superficial and shallow that it is hard to make friends or get a boyfriend/girlfriend without focusing on looks. Not to say everyone is that way but until more normal looking people with less editing and makeup get into magazines society on a whole will continue judging each other on looks. I feel kind of hopeless on the issue because I don't see media changing for a long time. I am happy that there are more self-esteem speakers going to schools. I think that that should continue and hopefully

Dear Megan,
ReplyDeleteBy looking at this picture, I thought to myself how could anyone want to be that skinny. This picture is only promoting eating disorders and future health problems for anyone who looks a this and thinks they need to look just like that. First, no one should ever be that skinny as to where their bones show. Second, the girl in the mirror is perfect size and should be thankful for who she is and not try to be someone she is not. No one is perfect, we are all unique and need to let our personality show throughout our own ways.
Thank you,
Lacy Thompson