I am very excited to "have" to do community service. Since I was so into sports I had little time to do community service and it's been really frustrating. I love community service because while some less fortunate people are crabby a lot of the people I have met have amazing outlooks on life. For example, many impoverished people I have met are so greatful for what they do have and they focus on the importance of family. I just joined a club called Teen-Aiders which focuses on helping homeless children. I can't wait to play with the kids and let them escape from there tough life style. Another thing I want to do for community service is be company for some people at an elderly care center. However, I don't just want to play bingo once with them, I hope to for relationships with some elders and give them someone to talk to. Recently my great uncle died and my great aunt is blind, so she had to move into an elderly care facility, since she lives to far away I am unable to visit her. She had a bad breakdown because of her loneliness. While I may not be able to help her frequently, I want to help others the way I wish I could be there for her. So I've set myself a goal for this semester I want to do at least 20 hours of community service. :)